Buffalo Commons



The Story of the Puerto Rican-Chicano Committee (PRCC)

Alberto O. Cappas, Jose C. Pizarro — Jun 1, 2017

The concept or idea for The Puerto Rican-Chicano Committee (PRCC) came from UB student Alberto O. Cappas, who also was the original founder of PODER, at the time known as the Puerto Rican Organization for Dignity, Elevation, and Responsibility. Puerto Rican students, mostly from Buffalo, were instrumental in its development. A student by the name of Gloria Rodriguez, served as its first president. Shortly, the Puerto Rican students from New York City, added to the organization’s …

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Typical Elements in Limited English Proficiency Plans

Sam Magavern Nov 30, 2015

Outlines the typical elements in Limited English Proficiency Plans (LEP).  

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Best Practices in Language Access and Cultural Competency

International Institute of Buffalo, Jewish Family Services — Jul 1, 2015

Checklist outlining an agency/company's best practices and cultural environment for language access and competency.

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Language Access

Aug 1, 2014

Failing to provide appropriate language assistance can put your practice at the risk of violating laws related to medical malpractice, informed consent, breach of the legal duty to warn, and breach of the patient’s privacy rights.  In addition, federal civil rights laws require meaningful language access from all recipients of federal dollars.  The level of access required depends on four factors: (1) The number or proportion of LEP persons eligible to be served or likely to be …

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Limited English Proficiency Access in Buffalo and Erie County

Amanda Schieber — May 2, 2009

An individual with a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English may be termed limited English proficient, or LEP.  In 2001, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that 33% of Spanish speakers and 22.4% of Asian speakers between the ages of 18 and 64 reported that they spoke English either “not well” or “not at all.”  The percentages are based on the 2000 census, which reported 26 million individuals speaking Spanish as their primary language, and 7 …

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