Buffalo Commons


The Child Care Crisis: History and Examples from Across the United States
The Rich Don't Pay But You Do: The City's Free Rides for the Rich, An Analysis of City of Buffalo Property Tax Revenue
Reforming Buffalo's Tax Foreclosure Process
Responding to New York's Budget Crisis
Erie County Sales Tax
Erie County Property Taxes
City of Buffalo Property Tax
Alternative Tax Strategies for Local Governments
Comptroller's Review of the Costs of Real Property Tax Assessment in Erie County
The Control Boards: Time for an Objective Review and Real Reforms
Local Taxes in New York State: Easing the Burden
Taxes in New York State: Restoring Fairness and Equity to the Personal Income Tax to Reverse Decades of Reliance on the Property Tax- Short and Long Term Solutions
The Path Not Taken: How New York State has Increased the Tax Burden on the Middle Class and Cut Taxes for its Highest Income Taxpayers by over $8 Billion a Year