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One Region Forward A New Way To Plan For Buffalo Niagara

Date: Jul 20, 2015
Author(s): University at Buffalo Regional Institute
Topic(s): Economic Development: General, Environment: General, Government: General, Health: General, Housing / Neighborhoods: General, Poverty / Income Inequality: General
Type: Report

This document represents the culmination of three years of research, community engagement, partnership building and planning under the banner of One Region Forward.

Within the pages of this plan, you will find the major research findings of what the data tells us about where the region is today and expressions of thousands of citizen voices on the direction people in the region want to see Buffalo Niagara go. Proposed strategies and actions, built by a team of 100+ subject matter experts, are detailed and provide the basic framework for moving the region toward a more sustainable, resilient, prosperous and opportunity-rich future. Finally, the plan sets out a path to measure and guide implementation.

UBRI is serving as the Regional Sustainability Team coordinating the research, planning, community engagement and technical analysis for One Region Forward.

The primary deliverable of One Region Forward will be a Regional Plan for Sustainable Development, a federally recognized document that will give our region priority status for funding opportunities today and into the future. This will serve as a practical roadmap for improving mobility, promoting more efficient land use patterns, strengthening our basic infrastructure, growing a 21st century economy, ensuring broad access to healthy food, protecting housing and neighborhoods, and mounting our region’s response to the challenge of global climate change.

But this is more than just a plan. One Region Forward will push implementation by bringing together key actors to advance community priority projects that will produce lasting benefits for both our economy and quality of life. It will prepare our civic and business leaders to make smart decisions by providing online tools and technical assistance to show how sustainability can work here. Most importantly, this effort is about empowering the people of Buffalo Niagara to be a part of the process in driving positive, sustainable change for their communities.


Visit the UBRI landing page for One Region Forward for more information.

The UB Regional Institute utilizes their institutional positional as a research enterprise to develop plans, facilitate project implementation, develop public visions and get citizens involved. Visit the UBRI website for more information.