Events Take Action

People United Against Paladino

Presenter(s): Buffalo Parent-Teacher Organization
Date: January 16, 1 pm-January 11, 2017 3 pm

Martin Luther King Park
778 Best St.
Buffalo, New York 14211


Join our partner, the Buffalo Parent-Teacher Organization on Monday:

In the inspiration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the People of Buffalo will assemble in mass on MLK Day at MLK Park (778 Best St. 14211) to send a message, loud and clear, to Commissioner MaryEllen Elia to remove Carl Paladino from the Buffalo School Board, immediately. We need a mass outpouring of parents, students, families, community organizations and members, clergy, labor, educators, elected and appointed officials, across this city and beyond, to show that we stand united against hate and Mr. Paladino as a representative of our Buffalo children.