Events Take Action

Community Reinvestment Act Basics Training

Date: August 21, 2018, 1-3 pm
Community Reinvestment Act Basics Training

Partnership for the Public Good
617 Main St.
Suite 300
Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: (716) 852-4191

The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) has led to over $1 trillion in mortgages, small business loans, and economic development for underserved neighborhoods since 1990. Most importantly, the CRA gives residents and community organizations a voice in how banks are serving the needs of your community. Attend this training to learn how the CRA process works and how you can influence how credit and capital flows into your neighborhoods. This training will also include an analysis of lending data from Erie and Niagara counties as a case study.

For more information, please contact PPG's Policy Analyst Sarah Wooton at (716) 246-1708.