PPG's 2024-2025 City Budget Workshop and Resource Hub

Date: May 14, 2024

On May 13, 2024, PPG, Geoff Kelly of Investigative Post, Alia Williams of VOICE Buffalo, and Janayia Capers of PUSH Buffalo hosted a Buffalo City Budget 101 workshop, which explored Mayor Brown’s proposed $618 million budget. 

In this workshop, we reviewed what Mayor Brown is prioritizing in his proposed budget and how you can influence the city budget. We also discussed where the City gets its revenue, what the City spends its money on, and what’s changed since last year. 

Additionally, we took a deeper look into funding for PPG’s Community Agenda and partner priorities, such as youth services, rental housing inspections, arts funding, and snow removal. 

Miss the workshop? Check out the resources and links below and be sure to sign up for the 2024-2025 public budget hearing taking place May 15, 2024 at 5pm at Buffalo City Hall Council Chambers. 

Budget Resources and Links:

Make Your Voice Heard: 

Additional Resources: