Crossroads Collective's Beyond Mayday: Uniting for a Just Transition

Date: June 19, 2017

On May Day, the community came together to envision and celebrate our shared vision for a just and vibrant economy. We recognized that a new economy must be founded on worker's rights, responsible management of resources, democratic-decision making, sacredness, the arts, and equity for all people!

Now that May Day is over, it's time to get to work. Come learn more about the work of the Crossroads Collective and the just transition framework that guides our collective work.

Light refreshments will be served.

This event is free and open to the public.

Wednesday at 6 PM - 8 PM
Partnership for the Public Good
617 Main St, Suite 300, Buffalo, New York 14203

The Crossroads Collective is a one-of-a-kind coalition that is helping to put Buffalo at the forefront of the movement to create jobs and self-sufficiency through investments in practical solutions like solar energy, weatherization, water management, and urban agriculture.

The Crossroads Collective consists of ten partners:
African Hertiage Food Co-op
Coalition for Economic Justice
Cooperation Buffalo
Massachusetts Avenue Project
Open Buffalo
Partnership for the Public Good
Public Accountability Initiative
PUSH Buffalo
Ujima Theatre Co.
WASH Project

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