Letter to Erie County Legislature: Remarks Regarding the Erie County Language Access Act

Date: November 9, 2023

Regine Ndanda is a New York State Public Health Fellow working at Partnership for the Public Good. She is also a licensed social worker and mental health provider, and a member of the Erie County Language Access Working Group.

The Erie County Language Access Act is a critical law with enormous importance for our community, particularly for refugees and immigrants. This bill is about empowering people, making sure their voices are heard, and welcoming them into our diverse and thriving Erie County community.

In numerable ways, refugees and immigrants have enriched our county. They help our local economy by opening businesses and investing in real estate, which increases local tax revenue. These contributions, however, are only the tip of the iceberg. We must also acknowledge that language access is a fundamental human right and the foundation of language justice. It empowers individuals to actively participate in our community without fear of being misunderstood or overlooked.

Language access is a necessity, not a luxury. It provides universal access to critical information, regardless of individuals' language backgrounds. Two members of the Congolese community died tragically during the recent blizzard in Buffalo as a result of their inability to obtain vital information and services. This underscores the critical requirement for language access, particularly in public services such as emergency support, senior care, and disability services. We cannot afford to permit another preventable tragedy.

As a licensed social worker and mental health provider, I've seen firsthand how language barriers affect refugees and immigrants seeking essential services. When they go to county offices but are repeatedly misunderstood or misdirected, they feel left out of the community in which they live.

Instead, having bilingual staff and in-person interpreters fosters a sense of welcome and belonging. It sends a strong message that we value each and every member of our community and their diverse backgrounds.

Language access not only meets the needs of our diverse population but also keeps local dollars in Erie County, by hiring interpreters who live here. It will also facilitate business growth, investment, and economic development, by making our economy a welcoming one that works for entrepreneurs and business owners who are English language learners.

Passing the Language Access Bill is more than just a matter of policy; it demonstrates our commitment to protecting and supporting our community, regardless of their language backgrounds. It allows refugees and immigrants to invest in our county, and it fosters an environment in which diversity is celebrated and opportunities are limitless.

I would like to urge the committee to recognize the enormous positive impact this bill can have on our community. By passing this legislation, we not only ensure language equality, but we also strengthen the fabric of our county. Let us work together to make language access a reality for all, allowing our diverse and vibrant community to reach its full potential. Thank you very much.