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November 9, 2021

Letter to Governor Hochul: Stop Plans for Outer Harbor Amphitheater, Create a World-Class State Park

For these reasons, we ask that you halt the implementation of the General Project Plan, especially the amphitheater, order a full environmental review, and begin the process of making the Outer Harbor a world-class state park.

November 5, 2021

Buffalo Common Council Summary: Week of November 1, 2021

By Becca Bass |Each week, PPG summarizes important takeaways from the major Buffalo Common Council meetings. We also include information from Council meetings related to our Community Agenda items.

November 5, 2021

Join Public Hearings on the Buffalo Bills Stadium

The Buffalo Common Council and Erie County Legislature have announced public hearings on the proposed Buffalo Bills stadium. To date, Pegula Sports & Entertainment have asked for a new stadium to be 100% publicly funded. Many news outlets have reported that Pegula Sports & Entertainment is …

October 29, 2021

Buffalo Common Council Summary: Week of October 25, 2021

By Becca Bass, Elizabeth Quinlan & Johnny Qiu |Each week, PPG summarizes important takeaways from the major Buffalo Common Council meetings. We also include information from Council meetings related to our Community Agenda items.

October 29, 2021

Right To Know Law Takes Effect in Buffalo

On September 17, 2021, the Buffalo City Charter was officially amended to include a new section (Article 13) known as the Right To Know law.  This law gives every motorist in Buffalo the right to a paper document clearly stating the reason for being stopped by the police, and gives every …

October 29, 2021

WKBW: "Who should be in charge of police discipline in Buffalo?"

By: Eileen Buckley | October 29, 2021 Police brutality is taking center stage in a brand new report issued Friday by the Partnership for the Public Good in Buffalo. “Getting rid of those few bad apples would go a long way toward doing that,” remarked Miles Gresham, …

October 29, 2021

WBFO: "Partnership for Public Good: City of Buffalo has more power to discipline police"

By Michael Mroziak | October 29, 2021 The Partnership for the Public Good has released a new policy brief on the City of Buffalo’s police department, and what the PPG says is the city’s untapped power to discipline police officers.

October 22, 2021

Buffalo Common Council Summary: Week of October 18, 2021

By Elizabeth Quinlan| Each week, PPG summarizes important takeaways from the major Buffalo Common Council meetings. We also include information from Council meetings related to our Community Agenda items.

October 18, 2021

Investigative Post: "911 calls down 5%; traffic stops up 48%"

By Geoff Kelly | October 18, 2021 You might imagine Buffalo police spend their shifts busting drug dealers, foiling burglaries and taking guns off the street. There’s some of that, certainly.  But an analysis by Investigative Post of five years of 911 calls shows that sort of policing …

October 15, 2021

Buffalo Common Council Summary: Week of October 11, 2021

By Becca Bass & Elizabeth Quinlan| Each week, PPG summarizes important takeaways from the major Buffalo Common Council meetings. We also include information from Council meetings related to our Community Agenda items.

October 12, 2021

Investigative Post: "Buffalo remains an impoverished city"

By Mark Scheer | October 12, 2021 Buffalo ranked as the nation’s second-poorest city when Byron Brown took office in 2006.  The following year, the mayor declared that his administration was working hard to “bring people into the mainstream of Buffalo’s economy” while …

October 6, 2021

WBFO: "Buffalo Common Council puts full support behind NY's proposed Clean Slate bill"

By Michael Mroziak | October 6, 2021 Buffalo lawmakers are united in a call to their state counterparts to pass the New York Clean Slate bill in 2022. The legislation, if passed, would automatically seal conviction records for individuals who complete their prison sentence, probation or parole, or …