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December 3, 2020

Buffalo Common Council Summary: Week of November 30, 2020

Each week, PPG summarizes important takeaways from the major Buffalo Common Council meetings. We also include information from Council meetings related to our Community Agenda items.

December 3, 2020

Spectrum News: "Report: HALT Solitary Confinement Bill Would Save $132 Million Annually"

By Susan Arbetter | December 2, 2020 The Partnership for the Public Good, a coalition of Buffalo-based advocacy groups, has released a financial analysis of the “Humane Alternatives to Long-Term Solitary Confinement Act” (S.1623/A.2500) also known as the HALT bill. The report, titled …

December 3, 2020

Investigative Post: "City Hall spending on police has skyrocketed"

By Geoff Kelly | December 3, 2020 In August the Partnership for the Public Good hosted a presentation on the growth of Buffalo’s police budget over the past 15 years. One conclusion: As the cost of policing has ballooned, spending on other city departments has suffered.

December 1, 2020

New Publication: "Save Money, Save Lives: An Analysis of the Fiscal Impact of the HALT Solitary Confinement Act"

In New York State, a majority of state lawmakers support passage of the Humane Alternatives to Long-Term (HALT) Solitary Confinement Act (S.1623/A.2500), to restrict the use of solitary confinement in prisons and jails in line with international human rights standards. Several local legislatures …

December 1, 2020

WBFO: "Study says prison reform bill is a money saver for Erie County, New York State"

By Thomas O'Neil-White | December 1, 2020 A fiscal analysis done by the Partnership for the Public Good estimates Erie County would save over 500-thousand dollars a year by passing a solitary confinement reform bill. In turn, New York State would save over 100-milion dollars by passing the …

November 30, 2020

Buffalo News: "Council expects data analytics center to improve policing – if Buffalo gets the money"

By Deidre Williams | Nov 30, 2020  The Common Council this week passed another component of the city's police reform agenda by approving a $2.9 million, three-year contract with SAS Institute to create a data analytics center to track and evaluate police training, as …

November 29, 2020

Buffalo News: "Study says it's time to close an Erie County jail. But which one?"

By Matthew Spina | Nov 29, 2020 The Erie County Holding Center, once one of the state’s busiest jails, ran at 26% of its capacity just days ago, and the county Correctional Facility in Alden held less than half of the number of prisoners it could house. Either facility could close, …

November 27, 2020

Times Union: "Report: Reducing solitary confinement could save New York $132M annually"

By Amanda Fries | Nov. 27, 2020 ALBANY — Reducing the use of solitary confinement in prisons could save New York and its localities $132 million annually over the next 10 years, according to a report released by the Partnership for Public Good. The report conducted by the Buffalo Niagara …

November 23, 2020

Shrinking Jails, Rising Costs: Erie County's Wasteful Jail Budget

"Shrinking Jails, Rising Costs: Erie County's Wasteful Jail Budget," analyzes the dramatic decline in the county jail population and compares county spending on jails with spending on mental and public health. The Erie County jail population is shrinking rapidly, but jail spending does not …

November 17, 2020

PPG's Comments on Proposed Proactive Rental Inspection Legislation in the City of Buffalo

On November 17, 2020, the Buffalo Common Council Legislation Committee discussed ordinance amendments that would create proactive interior rental inspections in the City of Buffalo. PPG Community Researcher Sarah Wooton shared the following remarks during the session.

November 11, 2020

Buffalo Common Council Summary: Week of November 9, 2020

Each week, PPG summarizes important takeaways from the major Buffalo Common Council meetings. We also include information from Council meetings related to our Community Agenda items.

November 3, 2020

Concerns on the Proposed SAS Data Center and Bringing Predictive Policing to Buffalo

Last week, the City of Buffalo announced a proposed 3-year contract with SAS Institute to create a data analytics center and “use predictive modeling to determine best practices,” with “police training and practices” as the first use of the technology. We urge the Buffalo …