Rod Watson | March 29, 2023 When you get right down to it, Buffalo’s inability to get enough Common Council votes to implement meaningful civilian review of cops might have as much to do with election reform as it does with police reform. Buffalo’s police union vehemently opposes the …
By: Pheben Kassahun | May 19, 2022 With Saturday's events still so fresh in people's minds, some people want city leaders in Buffalo to pause plans to advance the Mayor's budget proposal. Thursday's gloomy day accurately depicts how the greater Buffalo community is feeling, as members mourn the …
By: Rob Hackford | May 11, 2022 A line of Buffalo neighbors shared their criticisms of Mayor Byron Brown's proposed budget Tuesday evening, during a public hearing held by the Common Council. Four budget items garnered the most attention, the Mayor's 4% property tax and garbage fee increase, …
Gov. Kathy Hochul is rolling back criminal justice reform laws that have been on the books since January 2020 specifically giving judges more discretion in setting bail for defendants. Reform advocates like Partnership for the Public Good Policy Agenda Director Tanvier Peart are calling foul on the …
By: Maki Becker | April 8, 2022 The debate over bail reform has been one of the most contentious elements of Gov. Kathy Hochul's first budget negotiations as the state's top leader. Amid a jump in gun violence in cities from Buffalo to New York City, she sought to retool the landmark …
By: Brianne Roesser | March 29, 2022 Community advocates are pushing for a return on investment from the new Bills stadium that will directly impact Buffalo. State and local leaders announced Monday that the new Bills stadium will go in Orchard Park across from the current one and cost about $1.4 …
By: Tom Puckett| February 3, 2022 When a deal on a new lease for the Buffalo Bills and new stadium is finally reached and announced, it will eventually make its way to the desks of Erie County and New York State lawmakers for review and approval. Without the details being yet known, some area …
By: Geoff Kelly| February 3, 2022 A coalition that wants a community benefits agreement attached to public subsidies for a new Buffalo Bills stadium has taken their campaign public, after months of quiet organizing. The coalition held a press conference Tuesday morning at Johnnie B. Wiley stadium …
By: Sandra Tan| February 2, 2022 If a new stadium for the Buffalo Bills gets built, it's all but a foregone conclusion that the team and its owners will benefit financially. But a group of community leaders are continuing the drum beat to ensure benefits don't just flow in one direction. Members of …
Ashley Rowe|February 2, 2022 While the Buffalo Bills, Erie County, and New York State are hashing out details for a new stadium, community members are working to make sure they're included in the plans. A coalition of groups that include the Partnership for Public Good and Buffalo Transit Riders …
By: Geoff Kelly| January 28, 2022 Proponents failed in two previous attempts in WNY, although they did win some concessions. They're trying again with Bills proposed stadium. Will the third time be a charm?
By: Matt Glynn | January 13, 2022 The city of Buffalo should make more-productive use of the vacant lots it owns, said Jeanette Koncikowski, executive director of Grassroots Gardens WNY. "While the city has long evaluated repurposing ideas for its 8,000-plus vacant lots, they continue to …