Staff and Board Take Action

Kevin Meindl

RENEW Fellow, University at Buffalo and Buffalo Sewer Authority

Kevin Meindl

I am a Buffalo, NY native with a background in sustainable land management. My undergraduate degree in philosophy is from Buffalo State College and my two master's degrees in landscape architecture and regional planning are from Cornell University. I have work experience in economic development, land use planning, geographic information systems analysis, and landscape design. My primary research interests involve environmental planning in an urban systems context.

Project Description:

My work involves the analysis of ecological resources in the City of Buffalo and the study of revealed preferences related to these assets. I look forward to communicating results with the general public and hope the work will foster greater discourse on environmental public goods.


American Society of Landscape Architects, ASLA

American Planning Association, APA

Ecological Landscape Alliance, ELA

Northeast Organic Farming Association, NOFA