Latest News

December 24, 2016

Partnership for the Public Good Calls for Community and Elected Officials to Boycott Paladino

PPG has called for a boycott of Carl Paladino's businesses and for a pledge by elected officials and candidates not to accept political donations from him. Read the Buffalo News coverage and PPG's full statement below. The Public Accountability Inititiative published a report last year with …

December 7, 2016

UPDATED: Buffalo Arts and Culture Organizations Directory

PPG has updated the Buffalo Arts Directory to reflect Buffalo's diverse array of social justice art organizations. New additions include: The Anne Frank Project, Sugar City, Dreamland, and others. If you're looking for a way to get involved in the arts and social justice scene in Buffalo, checking …

May 19, 2012

TEST 4: Diving into the Data: COVID-19 Cases and Other Local Data

While COVID-19 has impacted our entire region, according to recent testing data, it is hitting some areas harder than others. According to national and local research, COVID-19 has also hit certain populations of people, such as black and African American populations, more severely than others. In …