Buffalo Commons


Bringing Community Responders to Erie County
Community Responder Teams Brochure
Community Responder Teams Fact Sheet
The City of Buffalo’s Untapped Power to Discipline Police Officers
The MRTA: What You Need to Know About Marijuana Legalization in New York
Building a Safer Buffalo: Invest in Communities, Divest from Police
The Cost of Incarceration in NYS: Erie County
Poor Implementation Puts Health at Risk: An Evaluation of the New York Release Program for People Incarcerated on Charges of Technical Parole Violations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Community Gardens as Urban Greening: Cutting Crime and Improving Wellbeing
Stop Receipts in Buffalo: Pursuit of Racial Justice and Accountability
Why Buffalo Needs Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD): Reducing Arrests and Providing Alternatives to Incarceration
Save Money, Save Lives: An Analysis of the Fiscal Impact of the HALT Solitary Confinement Act
Shrinking Jails, Rising Costs: Erie County's Wasteful Jail Budget
Footage Release Policies for the Buffalo Police Department
Why Buffalo Needs Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD): Reducing Arrests and Providing Alternatives to Incarceration
Community Agenda Update: Midyear Progress Report
Cruelty and Cost: Money Bail in Buffalo
Restorative Practices in Buffalo: Building and Rebuilding Community
Advancing Racial Equity and Public Health: Smarter Marijuana Laws in Western New York
Another Voice: Build on Progress in Police Reforms
Better Policing for the City of Buffalo: Toward Community, Transparency, and Justice
Access to Justice in Buffalo and Beyond: Making the Justice System More Welcoming for Refugees
The Potential Impact of Legalizing, Regulating, and Taxing Marijuana on Erie County and New York State
Initiatives for a Stronger Community