Buffalo Commons


On the Edge of Abundance: Water Affordability and Equity in Buffalo
The Child Care Crisis: History and Examples from Across the United States
The Rich Don't Pay But You Do: The City's Free Rides for the Rich, An Analysis of City of Buffalo Property Tax Revenue
The True Cost of Child Care: Erie County NY (Final Report)
A First Look at Exploring Buffalo's Temp Economy
Racial Disparities and Homelessness in Western New York
Voices for 2020: Ending Family Homelessness Summary Report
Voices for 2020: Strategies to Address Family Homelessness in WNY
Workers on the Brink: Low-Wage Employment in Buffalo and Erie County
Poverty in Buffalo: Causes, Impacts, Solutions
Renewing Our Pledge: A Path to Ending Lead Poisoning of Buffalo's Most Vulnerable Citizens
A Profile of Financial Hardship in Erie County
Working Toward Equality, Updated: Race, Employment, and Public Transportation in Erie County
Inclusionary Zoning: Creating Equity and Lasting Affordability in the City of Buffalo, New York
Energy Poverty in Buffalo's West Side: PUSH, National Fuel, and the Fight for Equitable Energy Access
One Region Forward A New Way To Plan For Buffalo Niagara
Initiatives for a Stronger Community
Temp Work and Poverty in Buffalo
Buffalo Poverty Research Workshop
Individuals Below the Poverty Level
Buffalo Poverty Reduction Blueprint
Poverty Level Work in Western New York
The Geography of Urban Poverty
An Integrated Approach to Fighting Blight and Poverty in Buffalo's Low-Income Neighborhoods
Poverty and Buffalo: Beyond the Headlines
The High Cost of Being Poor
Losing Ground: Income and Poverty in Upstate New York, 1980-2000