Buffalo Commons



Lead-Safe Renovation, Repair, and Painting Activities in New York State

Alice Kreher — Feb 10, 2020

Lead poisoning prevention is an area of hope and opportunity: thousands of individuals could be betterpositioned for success – physically, mentally, and economically – if the right action is pursued. There isscientific, qualitative, and economic support for the RRP rule, and New York State enforcement couldprevent thousands of lead poisoning cases and generate long-term benefits, even without much net cost to the state budget. Ultimately, New York’s children deserve to be …

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Just Transitions in School Food

Jessica Gilbert, Alexandra Schindel, Sarah A. Robert — Oct 18, 2018

This article examines the public school food system in Buffalo, New York, for a just transition (Movement Generation, n. d.). School food programs built on just transition characteristics democratize engagement, decentralize decisionmaking, diversify the economy, decrease consumption, and redistribute resources and power.

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Good Food Purchasing for the Buffalo Public Schools

Jessica Gilbert Apr 24, 2018

This policy report was drafted by Jessica Gilbert, research associate at PPG and PhD Candidate in the University at Buffalo’s Department of Geography.It provides an initial overview of the current status of school food at Buffalo Public Schools and many of the ongoing school food improvement initiatives. Framed within the Good Food Purchasing Program’s core values (local economies, nutrition, labor, environmental sustainability, and animal welfare), this report documents the …

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Impact of Poverty

Assunta Ventresca — Mar 1, 2013

Developmental-Begins before birth: quality of mother nutrition and prenatal care; Parent-child interactions; less access to learning-oriented toys; less access to developmentally appropriate activities.  Asthma- Environmental; Access to preventive health care.  Obesity- Lack of opportunities for physical activity; Lack of access to nutritionally dense foods.

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