This report examines the critical issue of water affordability and equity in Buffalo, New York.
The City of Buffalo is facing a significant financial crisis – including a projected gap of $41 to $55 million next year – that could have a major destabilizing impact on the city and its residents in the coming years. Significant cuts to city services and further property tax and fee increases are likely looming. The city’s residents could see a further deterioration of essential services like snow plowing and street and sidewalk maintenance even as they are asked to pay more …
The Buffalo Common Council is the legislative branch of the City of Buffalo. The council meets every week to discuss city matters, including resident concerns. At PPG, we want you to know how the council works so that you can feel confident making your voice heard in council chambers.
Western New York (WNY) should consider joining the ranks of the sixty-two jurisdictions nation-wide that have chosen Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) over the more commonly used plurality voting system. In weighing the importance of such a change, voters and leaders may consider lessons and successes learned from New York City (NYC) in its adoption and implementation of RCV.
This fact sheet was drafted by PPG interns Akilesh Ramakrishna, Alana Barrington Dye and Schyler Norton. It updates a 2009 version by Edward Hawthorne, a University at Buffalo School of Law student. It outlines the powers and responsibilities of the Buffalo Common Council and includes contact details and brief background information for the nine sitting council members. The fact sheet also lists the current committees and subcommittees of the Common Council, and where and when meetings are …
The Partnership for the Public Good (PPG) unites 212organizations working to build a better western New York. Each year, the partners vote on their top policy priorities for the coming year; these priorities become the PPG Community Agenda. The very first Community Agenda, formed in 2008, included a provision calling for a planning board in Erie County. Since that time, the reasons for a planning board have only become more compelling. There is a reason that every other …
Examines demographic, population, and economic markers between Buffalo, Amherst, and Erie County.
The non-profit corporation is run by a Board of Directors, which consists of the members of the Corporation. The By-laws of the BUDC set forth how the members/directors are to be selected. Although the Officers may have salaries, at this time, none of the Officers are compensated for their services. The By-laws provide that there are to be eighteen members/directors of the corporation, and that the members/directors are to be elected or appointed.
The Board consists of 15 members. The B&ECPL board is a volunteer position. There are however, some requirements an applicant must meet. Eight of the board members must be residents of the city of Buffalo. The Board members serve in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 768 of the Laws of the 1953 State of New York, known as “An Act authorizing the consolidation of city and public libraries.” The board members are also governed by Article 16 …
Under the Buffalo Charter and Code, the Comptroller is the head of the Department of Audit and Control. The Department of Audit and Control is broken down into three divisions: Division of Audit, Division of Accounting, and Division of Investment and Debt Management. The Division of Audit is headed by the City Auditor; the Division of Accounting is headed by the City Accountant, and the Division of Investment and Debt Management is headed by the Investment and Debt Management …
The BFSA is a “corporate governmental agency” and an “instrumentality” of the State of New York. It is run by nine directors. Only one of these directors need be a citizen of the City of Buffalo. The governor designates two of the nine directors as “chairperson” and “vice-chairperson,” who preside over all meetings of the directors.
To assist our residents in attaining and maintaining a high standard for their quality of life. The Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority will provide services and opportunities associated with affordable, desirable, and secure housing to individuals and families. We will provide customer service, programs and amenities which are the best possible. The BMHA also has a number of goals: to provide safe, clean, affordable housing to residents of the City of Buffalo that will be …
The Buffalo Sewer Authority is a public benefit corporation created by the New York State legislature in 1935 to clean wastewater before it is released into the environment. The BSA also maintains the storm drains for the City of Buffalo. The BSA serves the residents and businesses of the Buffalo area as well as some neighboring communities. Currently, around 98,000 Buffalo residents and nearly 400 businesses in the City of Buffalo are served by the BSA.
The Buffalo Municipal Water Finance Authority Act governs the Water Board. In general, the Buffalo Water Authority is empowered to establish, fix, revise, change, collect, and enforce the payments of all fees, rates, rents, and other service charges for the use of the services furnished by the system. The Buffalo Water Authority is in charge of setting rates and of capital improvements to the system as a whole over $10,000. Some specific powers of the Water Board: terminate …
The Erie County Comptroller derives his or her authority from New York State County Law, Article 14. New York State has established a method for choosing a comptroller and a set of rules governing the comptroller’s duties. Erie County has chosen to elect a comptroller and defines the office’s authority in Article 19 of the Erie County Charter. Erie County’s comptroller will serve terms of four years, and should be elected from the county at large.
The ECIDA is a public benefit corporation created by the New York State Legislature for the purpose of attracting and retaining private sector business development in Erie County. That development creates local job opportunities and improves the overall economic environment for the people of Erie County.
New York State County Law allows each county to designate a board of supervisors to supervise the county. However, if the county chooses, it may establish an elected county legislative body to take on the functions, powers, obligations and duties of the board of supervisors. In Erie County this elected legislative body is the Erie County Legislature. The Erie County Legislature serves all of the residents of Erie County. In order to equally represent all residents, the …
Each district is a self-supporting entity with the power to assess fees and levy local charges. New York state law gives nearly complete autonomy to the county to run their agencies. The specific agencies are empowered to assemble data relating to the water resources available in the county, number and location of wells, contaminants that are present in the supply of the water in the county, sewage collection and related issues that may arise. Erie County has made the decision …
NFTA provides transportation services in the Buffalo-Niagara region. It oversees the Metro Bus and Rail System, the NFTA Boat Harbor, the Buffalo Niagara International Airport, and the Niagara Falls International Airport. NFTA is governed by a state law, the Niagara Frontier Transportation Act which created the Authority to further and improve transportation services within the Niagara Frontier.
The County Executive also has the power to appoint citizens to serve on any one of thirty-six Volunteer Boards. These Boards often compile information in their respective areas and advise the County Legislature and County Executive. The Volunteer Boards include the Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society, the Council on the Disabled, the Fisheries Advisory, the Health Board, the Local Early Intervention Council, and the Youth Services Board, to name just a few. There are …
If the Mayor is temporarily unable to perform the duties of his office, the mayor’s designated officer whose appointment has been confirmed by the Common Council shall act as Mayor until the Mayor is able to. The designation must be in writing and filed with the city clerk. If the Mayor has not made such a designation, the president of the Common Council shall perform the Mayor’s duties until the Mayor is able to. If the office of Mayor is vacant (as a result of …
The main focus of the board should be to implement the Framework for Regional Growth and to combat sprawl in the region. From 1980 to 2000 the developed area grew thirty-eight percent, even though population fell nearly six percent. It has been estimated by the county that better planned development could save $800 million.
The most widely recognized definition of sustainability is found in the 1987 Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development. It says that sustainability means “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” The United States’ Environmental Protection Agency also provides a definition of sustainability. The EPA says that sustainability is “a new way of thinking about an …
The Erie County Holding Center is a maximum security detention center. The Center is used to house inmates before their trials. The Erie County Holding Center is located at 40 Delaware, Buffalo New York, 14202. The Erie County Correctional Facility is a medium security facility, which can house 1,070 inmates. It holds inmates who have committed a variety of different crimes. The Correction Facility also houses parole violators for the State of New York. These …
The mission of the Board of Parking (“BP”) is to relieve traffic congestion and to promote the clearance and reconstruction of substandard or unsanitary areas in Buffalo by coordinating City-owned and privately owned parking facilities and spaces strategically, environmentally and with minimal interference with Buffalo’s streetscapes, skyline and views. The Mayor appoints eleven members to the Board of Parking for staggered five-year terms. The Mayor designates the …
The Authority is an international entity, created out of an agreement between the State of New York, with the consent of the United States Congress, and the Canadian Government. The Authority’s mission is to be known as the premier Canada/US international border crossing. The Authority strives to provide excellent customer service and be an effective channel for trade and tourism between the two nations. The Authority governs the Peace Bridge. The …
The ECHDC is currently developing the Inner and Outer Buffalo Harbor, most notably where the historic terminus of the Erie Canal is. The ECHDC is also developing some of the surrounding area including the old Memorial Auditorium and the Donovan State Building.
The CVB is currently drafting a five-year strategic plan that will guide its sales and marketing efforts on behalf of the local tourism industry. The plan, when complete, will serve to refine the CVB’s mission as a destination marketing organization and the official tourism promotion agency for Erie County. Focus groups have been conducted with a variety of partner organizations representing the hotel, restaurant, retail, attraction, sports, cultural and philanthropic …
BURA was created under New York State’s General Municipal Law Article 15-B §639. This statute directly states who should compose the board of BURA. It states that BURA shall be composed of the mayor of the city of Buffalo and eight other members including Buffalo’s president of the common council, chairman of the urban renewal committee of the common council, minority leader of the common council, corporation counsel, commissioner of urban renewal, commissioner of …
The mission of the RCC is to rehabilitate the Richardson Olmsted Complex, which is located in the City of Buffalo. Generally, the RCC ―envision[s] the rehabilitation of the National Historic Landmark H. H. Richardson Complex (the former Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane), comprised of the H. H. Richardson-designed buildings and Frederick Law Olmsted-designed grounds, to be the crowning jewel of a mixed-use, multi-purpose civic campus of public and private activities.‖ Additionally, the …
There are four regional offices located in Albany, New York City, Buffalo, and West Valley. The major staff is broken into three subgroups. Energy Analysis has 21 staff members, most with the title of project manager. Energy Efficiency Services has 34 staff members at the main office, 5 in New York City, and 1 in Buffalo. The Residential Efficiency and Affordability Program staffs 29 employees at the main office, 4 in New York City, and 2 in Buffalo. The Research …
The OED has constant challenges in getting enough financial resources. Since there is no specific budget allocation, the OED must compete with other priorities of the Department of Planning and Economic Development. Another challenge that the OED faces is complicated ownership issues, specifically with brownfields. In order to remediate the sites, legal ownership issues have to be resolved. At times, this process is arduous and time consuming.
Justifications for the Buffalo and Erie County control boards usually depend on two false premises: (i) the problem is “bloated” and “inefficient” city and county government; and (ii) the solution is to add another layer of government composed of non-elected, state-appointed officials. The typical commentary lumps all local elected officials together, ignoring large differences between different politicians and between the city and county. It ignores the big …
The city awards many contracts to private firms to provide services to the public and to city government. Experience indicates that procurement by contract of services has all too often resulted in the payment by service contractors to their employees of wages at or slightly above the minimum required by federal and state minimum wage laws. Such minimal compensation tends to inhibit the quantity and quality of services rendered by such employees to the city and to the public. …
The current fiscal crisis of the City of Buffalo arises from and exemplifies the failure of state and local government over many decades to respond adequately to the shift of population, and especially the disproportionate shift of wealth, from the old central cities to the ever growing urban fringe beyond their boundaries. For example, the Town of Amherst, with a population of 110,000 now has a larger real property tax base than the City of Buffalo, with a population of 293,000. …
In the day-to-day practice of law, the most pervasive change in municipal law has been ever-increasing specialization. This is attributable in small part to the continuing elaboration of common law doctrine and in larger part to a dense overlay of state and federal regulation (including regulation through grant conditions), not only of the private sector but of local government itself. For example, consider the State Environmental Quality Review Act, Taylor Law, and Freedom of …