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December 30, 2021

Buffalo News: "Erie County Sheriff-elect John Garcia wants PBA president to run internal affairs"

By: Matthew Spina | December 30, 2021 As the campaign heated up, the union representing Erie County’s road deputies threw its support to John C. Garcia, a Republican candidate for sheriff. “John is the best candidate and understands the needs and concerns of our membership,” …

December 30, 2021

Buffalo News: "Community leaders, organizations reveal their wish lists for Mayor Brown's fifth term"

By: Deidre Williams | December 30, 2021 As Mayor Byron Brown readies for a fifth term, community leaders and organizations are preparing their own wish lists for what they hope to see him accomplish over the next four years. Concern for tenants tops some of the lists. The mayor needs to give …

May 11, 2021

Buffalo City Budget Public Comment Period Extended; Read PPG's Submitted Comment

The Buffalo Common Council has extended the deadline to submit written public comments on the City Budget until Friday, May 14 at 5pm. To comment on the budget, email or call 716-851-5105. Read on for PPG's submitted

September 21, 2020

Ten Days Left to Complete the 2020 Census

There are ten days left to complete the Census at Happening once every ten years, the Census determines the demographics, funding and resources, and political representation for where you live. Do you want well-funded libraries, Head Start and free school lunches for kids in …

September 18, 2020

2020 Census: Tell us why you count!

Communities that don’t get fully counted in the 2020 Census will miss out for the next ten years. The Census counts. So do you. We're sharing a 2020 Census chalkboard on social media to spread the word that everybody counts. Tell us why you count, and why you've completed the …

August 4, 2020

Buffalo Common Council District Fact Sheets Now Available

While Census data is available for congressional districts, the U.S. Census bureau does not publish data for local political boundaries. We tried to fill this gap by creating a set of nine council fact sheets outlining key data for each district. This includes demographics, …

May 6, 2020

Policy Solutions for COVID-19 Response and Recovery in Buffalo-Niagara

Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures. On Thursday, April 30, Partnership for the Public Good and the Cornell ILR Buffalo Co-Lab, in collaboration with ANCHOR, hosted a Buffalo Commons Community Conversation on policy solutions for COVID-19 response and recovery. The discussion …

April 3, 2020

Already ‘a Crisis Before the Pandemic,’ Access to Water Should Be Top Priority

While access to water is increasingly recognized as a basic human right, “access to and affordability of clean, healthy water was a national crisis before the COVID-19 pandemic, including right here in Western New York,” said Rahwa Ghirmatzion, Executive Director of PUSH Buffalo. This …

April 3, 2020

Read the Full Transcript: Press Conference on Water Access During COVID-19

This transcript is from the 4/2/2020 10am press conference urging the City of Buffalo to proactively restore water services to Buffalo residents amidst the COVID-19 crisis.  Speakers include: Rahwa Ghirmatzion (Executive Director, PUSH Buffalo), Andrea Ó Súilleabháin …

March 25, 2020

Working for the Public Good in a Time of Crisis

At Partnership for the Public Good, we have refocused our work to respond to the Coronavirus crisis and the many urgent needs it raises across health, housing, and economy. Our partners are addressing these impacts head-on, and we’re listening to their concerns and challenges to ensure …

March 25, 2020

Coalition Shares Powerful Testimony at Bail Reform Town Hall

A town hall meeting on bail reform planned for March 18 was transitioned last-minute to an online format to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Over 70 people tuned in last Wednesday evening to hear testimony about the recent changes to bail laws from attorneys, people directly impacted by bail, and …

September 9, 2019

Buffalo News: "Coalition wants protections from Buffalo's rising home values"

"Every neighborhood in Buffalo has increased in value, according to the city's recently completed 2020 citywide property tax revaluation of 93,000 residential and commercial properties. The city's total projected value is $17.4 billion, up 63 percent from last year's tax roll, with a projected …