Latest News

October 30, 2017

"Study on lead paint in local housing seeks to better define problem, solutions" Published by WBFO

"It was a collaborative effort with the Center for Governmental Research, whom we commissioned to do this," said Cara Matteliano, Vice President of Community Impact for the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, one of several not-for-profit agencies co-sponsoring the study. "They have completed …

October 28, 2017

"Letter: Helping homeless youth should be a top priority" Published in the Buffalo News

"A 2017 Partnership for the Public Good and University at Buffalo School of Social Work report highlighted the plight of homeless youth and unique barriers to accessing stable, safe housing, staying healthy, attending school or working. LGBTQ youth are at significantly higher risk of becoming …

October 25, 2017

Support Locust Street Art today!

Locust Street Art is a free community art school in Buffalo, NY where people of all ages can take art classes in Drawing, Painting, Animation, Photography, and Clay. Support Locust Street Art today!

October 18, 2017

People Power: Joining Forces to Address Gentrification in Buffalo

“Gentrification is a profit-driven race and class remake of urban, working class communities of color that have suffered from a history of disinvestment and abandonment,” said Dawn Philips, Executive Director of Right to the City Alliance at the Anti-Gentrification Summit convened in …

October 11, 2017

PPG Featured on "Keeping Things Alive" Podcast

Keep your eyes peeled for Sam Magavern's appearance on Keeping Things Alive, a podcast by Buffalo-based natural resources policy advocate Laura Evans. Sam will discuss Partnership for the Public Good's history, principles, and current agenda - focusing on climate justice and "keeping things …

October 9, 2017

One Nation Under a Groove: Beauty and Democracy Reconsidered

Thank you to everyone who came out to help celebrate PPG's 10th Anniversary! We are excited to play a role in what the next 10 years of research, advocacy, support and change-making will look like in Buffalo.     Here is a link to Sam's remarks for the evening:  One Nation Under …

October 5, 2017

"County’s new hiring policy will ease poverty, inequality" - Letter in the Buffalo News

"People who live in high poverty ZIP codes – urban, suburban or rural – face many disadvantages. Some employers screen by ZIP codes, while others fall prey to racial prejudices. Areas of concentrated poverty often lack the social networks and connections that lead to quality jobs. First …

October 4, 2017

We Need YOU to Help Make Bags

On Saturday, October 7th, the Erie County Bring Your Own Bag Coalition is working with the Erie County Department of Environment and Planning to get the word out about reducing plastic bag pollution at the Annual WNY Earth Science Day at Penn Dixie Fossil Park and Nature Preserve in Blasdell. We …

October 3, 2017

Listen to the Public Good at a New Time!

Our weekly radio show has a new time! Listen to our conversations with partners, community leaders, and policymakers on Tuesdays at 7pm on Power 96.5 and Mix 1080. Video of each show is also on our Facebook page.  

October 1, 2017

New census figures offer hope in Buffalo's fight against child poverty

“It’s great to see child poverty numbers go down instead of going up,” said Sam Magavern, executive director of the Partnership for the Public Good.

September 29, 2017

"Contractor to pay workers restitution for violating wage ordinance" - Policy Win in the Buffalo News

"Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman's office began an investigation after the Buffalo Living Wage Commission determined in July 2016 that Allied was not in compliance with the city ordinance that requires contractors to pay a living wage to specific groups of employees, including in waste …

September 27, 2017

Police release some data in response to complaints about checkpoints

For Pridgen, the problem is when checkpoints are used unfairly. He said he would like to see the city adopt an idea submitted by the Partnership for the Public Good to use "fix-it tickets" that don't impose a penalty if the problem is rectified, instead of tickets that come with automatic fines.