Partnership for the Public Good recently released its annual agenda of issues it will advocate for reform this year, with expansion of voting rights and alternatives to arrest leading the way.
PPG and partners met to discuss and strategize around two topics from the 2019 Community Agenda: protecting and expanding voting rights and forming a Complete Count Committee for Buffalo-Niagara representation in Census 2020.
Elected officials should not have to pay an undue price for their public service, said Andrea Súilleabháin, executive director of Partnership for the Public Good, a community-based think tank."A higher salary will encourage more and better candidates to run for office," she …
The Partnership for the Public Good (PPG) unites 284 community groups working for a better Buffalo – ranging from large social service agencies like the YWCA to neighborhood groups like the Masten Block Club Coalition, and from arts organizations like El Museo to environmental advocates like …
The Buffalo News published a letter by PPG policy analyst Sarah Wooton, calling on New York State to eliminate the 485-a exemption or change it to help small-time property owners to improve their properties, rather than doling out public money to wealthy developers for dubious projects.
"When the public invests money in things, it should yield a benefit for the community," Magavern said. "It should be providing affordable housing and quality jobs for city residents, not just padding the profit of wealthy developers."
On Wednesday, September 12, 2018, Buffalo Commons, a joint collaboration between PPG and Cornell in Buffalo, hosted its first Lab in what will be a series of educational programs beginning this fall. It was free and open to the public. Sam Magavern, Executive Director of Partnership for the Public …
Thank you to everyone who came out to help celebrate PPG's 10th Anniversary! We are excited to play a role in what the next 10 years of research, advocacy, support and change-making will look like in Buffalo. Here is a link to Sam's remarks for the evening: One Nation Under …
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Congressional Management Foundation (CMF) released a new report today outlining the degree of influence that citizens have on congressional decision-making. The research in "Citizen-Centric Advocacy: The Untapped Power of Constituent Engagement" is the most …