"A new report backed by a coalition of groups urges that the Outer Harbor be turned into a state park. The report, released today by the Partnership for the Public Good, said an analysis of the land's assets and challenges led to a conclusion that a state park would be the best way to protect the …
A new report calls for New York State to greatly expand its park on the Outer Harbor. “We have an amazing opportunity,” said the report’s author, Sam Magavern, from the Partnership for the Public Good.” “There’s nothing like our Outer Harbor on the Great …
"Every neighborhood in Buffalo has increased in value, according to the city's recently completed 2020 citywide property tax revaluation of 93,000 residential and commercial properties. The city's total projected value is $17.4 billion, up 63 percent from last year's tax roll, with a projected …
All Buffalo neighborhoods have gone up in value - but will mean more taxes for some.
"The majority of Buffalo homeowners will see their property assessments spike later this month when the city completes its first large-scale reassessment since the boom in home sale prices. Housing prices have soared in neighborhoods from Allentown to Hertel. Buyers regularly face off in bidding …
Meet Diane James. She lives on the East Side with her son, DeSean. A few years ago, DeSean’s pediatrician found that his lead levels were high. Diane had their apartment inspected, and the County Health Department deemed their home unlivable. She and DeSean were forced to move. Now they live …
On July 9, 2019, the City of Buffalo Common Council voted unanimously to amend the City’s Living Wage Ordinance, as recommended by the City’s Living Wage Commission. The new law was sponsored by Councilmembers David Rivera and Joel Feroleto. Starting on July 1, 2020, the living wage …
For four days towards the end of May 2019, over 30 community activists and social justice workers came together for a climate justice and ecological training at Silo City in Buffalo, NY. The training was hosted by Buffalo’s Crossroads Coalition, a group of local nonprofit organizations who …
June 14 marked a historic day for tenants in New York State. It was the day Governor Cuomo signed the “Housing Stability and Tenants Protection Act of 2019” (HSTPA) into law. Many know that this law secures rent regulation for thousands of tenants in New York City and allows …
PPG is happy to announce that we've added two new members to our team. As we approach nearly 300 partners working to build a more just, sustainable, and culturally vibrant Buffalo Niagara, we're delighted to benefit from their energy, experience, and support.
Forming a Complete Count Committee for Buffalo-Niagara Representation in Census 2020 was voted the third item on this year’s Community Agenda. Throughout the past several months, PPG and partners have explored best practices and developed ideas for the quickly approaching 2020 Census.
"The Partnership for the Public Good in Buffalo is hailing accomplishments in the recently-ended State Legislature session. But as it updates its Community Agenda, Partnership leaders say they'll continue pushing for more progress on the ten items which make up that agenda. At the top of its …