Buffalo Commons


The Child Care Crisis: History and Examples from Across the United States
The Rich Don't Pay But You Do: The City's Free Rides for the Rich, An Analysis of City of Buffalo Property Tax Revenue
Raising the Minimum Wage: The Impact on Women, People of Color, and Immigrants in Western New York
Lawyers as Change Agents - Final Presentations | UB Law Fall 2022
The True Cost of Child Care: Erie County NY (Final Report)
Analysis of City of Buffalo In-Rem Auction Data (2011-2018)
The MRTA: What You Need to Know About Marijuana Legalization in New York
Combatting Inequality in Workplace Structures: Worker Cooperatives and Employee Stock Ownership Programs in Buffalo-Niagara
Pathways to reparations: land and healing through food justice
Community Development Financial Institutions vs. Predatory Lending in Buffalo, NY
Manufactured Housing: An Affordable Housing Opportunity for Post Industrial Cities
Photobank: Arts and Culture Youth Artists at BCAT - Pt I
Photobank: Arts and Culture Youth Artists at BCAT - Pt II
Photobank: Arts and Culture Youth Artists at BCAT - Pt III
Photobank: Arts and Culture Youth Artists at BCAT - Pt IV
Photobank: Education Cooperation Buffalo Academy - Pt I
Photobank: Education Cooperation Buffalo Academy - Pt II
Photobank: Education Cooperation Buffalo Academy - Pt III
Photobank: Environment Food Interns at MAP - Pt I
Photobank: Environment Food Interns at MAP - Pt II
Photobank: Environment Food Interns at MAP - Pt III
Photobank: Environment Food Interns at MAP - Pt IV
Photobank: Environment Food Interns at MAP - Pt V
Distinguishing the Social Sector: A Buffalo-Niagara Labor Market Study
The Eastside-Airport Metro Rail Extension
FB Community Land Trust Fact Sheet
A First Look at Exploring Buffalo's Temp Economy
Low-Wage Work in Buffalo-Niagara
Electric Buses for the NFTA
Farm Fresh Foods: What to Know About Growing and Selling Produce in Buffalo
Employment Data for Buffalo-Niagara
Renewing America’s economic promise through older industrial cities Buffalo NY
The Consequences of Being Unbanked in Buffalo
Child Care Subsidy Fact Sheet
Taking the High Road to Canalside: How Community Activism Has Shaped Buffalo’s Waterfront
Buffalo's Agricultural Economic since the Great Recession, BSTGR 4 of 12
Buffalo's Economic Development Compared Buffalo as Part of the Rust Belt, BSTGR 5 of 12
Canadian Auto Industry since the Great Recession A Look at Buffalo from the other side of the Border, BSTGR 6 of 12
Human Capital, Local Economic Development, and the Importance of Colleges and Universities, Abel 3 of 3, BSTGR 3 of 12
Labor Market and Challenges for Workforce Development in Buffalo, BSTGR 8 of 12
Labor Market Trends in the Buffalo Region, Abel 2 of 3, BSTGR 2 of 12
Selected Labor Market Trends Buffalo Niagara Falls and Challenges for Workforce Development, BSTGR 9 of 12
The Finance Sector in Buffalo Since the Great Recession, BSTGR 10 of 12
The Performance of the Buffalo Economy Since the Great Recession 2017 Abel 1 of 3, BSTGR 1 of 12
The Reindustrialization of the U.S. Tonawanda Powertrain since the Great Recession, BSTGR 11 of 12
The Role of New York City in the Economy of New York State, BSTGR 12 of 12
716: Q&A/Lou Jean Fleron Shares Lessons from Labor History
Equity Preservation Final Report
A Strategy for Prosperity: 2017 Progress Report Western NY
Initiatives for a Smart Economy 2.0
Buffalo Transit Riders United: Community Agenda Plank Video
"Locked in Buffalo's Socioeconomic Basement": An examination of Political and Institutional Racial Discrimination and its Effects on the local African American Community
Buffalo Niagara's Strategic Plan for Prosperity, Buffalo Billion
Credit Unions and Banks Near Downtown Buffalo
One Region Forward A New Way To Plan For Buffalo Niagara
Initiatives for a Stronger Community
Municipal property acquisition patterns in a shrinking city, Evidence for the persistence of an urban growth paradigm in Buffalo, NY
Talking Proud: Telling Buffalo's Stories
William Worthy’s Concept of "Institutional Rape" Revisited: Anchor Institutions and Residential Displacement in Buffalo, NY
Initiatives for a Smart Economy
The Great Recession in Buffalo-Niagara
Business Development in the Perry Choice Neighborhood
Establishment of the Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority Section 3 Business Development and Employee Training Center: A Concept Paper
State Funding for the NFTA Reduces Pollution, Fights Poverty, and Promotes Economic Development
Looking for Trickledown Under the Peace Bridge: A Critique of the Public Bridge Authority's Economic Impact Claims
Empire State's Cultural Capital at Risk?
The Difference a University Makes: An Updated Impact Analysis of the University at Buffalo
Professional Sports Subsidies
Mortgage Lending Disparities in Metropolitan Buffalo: Implications for Community Reinvestment Policy
The Role of Citizen Participation and action research Principles in Main Street Revitalization
Buffalo's Tourism
Brown to Green: Building a 21st Century Sustainable Community, A Strategic Plan for Regeneration of the Highland Avenue Community
Achieving a Greater Buffalo
Arts & Economic Prosperity III
Can Buffalo Ever Come Back?
Sustaining Arts and Culture in Buffalo Niagara
Framework for Regional Growth
Buffalo Child Care Means Business: Full Study Report
From Theory to Practice: The Quest to Radically Reconstruct Buffalo's Inner City Neighborhoods
Fruit Belt/Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus Tax Increment Financing District
The Fillmore Avenue Commercial Redevelopment Plan
Transition and Renewal: The Emergence of a Diverse Upstate Economy
Fruit Belt Redevelopment Plan Preliminary Study
Small Business: Big Challenge
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Cultural District & Cultural Corridor: A Strategic Plan and Action Agenda For the Masten District
Reflections on Progress at Work